Improve your apps performance by understanding how JVM works (Ciklum’s Java Community, 2023)
- Project type Public Speaking, Tech Presentation
- Date 24th of May 2023
- My Role Speaker, Community Lead
- Registered 63 java developers (from Ciklum)
- Topics JVM, JMM, JIT, GC
- Keywords Java Virtual Machine, Java Performance, Java Memory, Management
- Skills developed Presentation, Speaking
- Presentation slides PDF
- Video recording (password protected)
Ciklum Java Community is a new initiative within our company (started in April 2023) that aims to connect Java developers across the world, exchange ideas and share knowledge and discuss tech news.
I started being active in this community as Java Community Lead and among my responsibilities here, is to organize such knowledge-sharing events.
So, together with other community leads, we organized a poll to decide which are the most interesting topics for our community - and it resulted in JVM (the topic proposed by me) in the first 3.
So, I started the first presentation in this series, within our community; also, to encourage others to do this by the power of example.
My purpose in this session was to synthesize and present how JVM works in a friendly manner.
So we had a 1-hour event where we discussed technical aspects such as:
- JVM Architecture
- Compilation vs Interpretation
- Source code, bytecode and machine code
- Class loader, Runtime Memory Data Area and Execution Engine
- Heap Memory, Stack Memory, Method Area
- JRE, JDK, java, javac, jar, JConsole, jdb etc.
- Java Memory Management and Garbage Collector
- Different types of memory generations
- JIT Compiler
- Measuring and Monitoring JVM
- Performance tips
It was an experience for which I prepared myself intensively and worked hard to overcome my own limits. I also learned a lot of new things and gathered valuable feedback.
I am very grateful I am part of such an open-minded company that invests so much in people's education.