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MobilPRO (LSE, 2013-2019)


  • Project Type Hackathon, International competition for software developers
  • Components Contest, Community, Training Center
  • Period Apr 2013 - Mar 2019
  • Reccurence Annually, ~21st of March
  • Location Bucharest, UPB Central Library & ETTI
  • Tracks Intelligent Automobile, Mobile Apps, Internet of Things, Smart Health, Future of Money, Future of Education, Future of health
  • Number of participants 20 teams (1-5 members per team)
  • Me Role Co-Founder, Member of the Jury, Executive Coordinator
  • Skills Developed People management, Event planning, Public speaking, Negotiation skills
  • Team members managed directly 30
  • Team members managed indirectly more than 200
  • Budget up to 40k EUR
  • Facebook Page Click here
  • Organizers UPB, ETTI, LSE
  • Diagram Click here


My Roles

  • Co-Founder
  • Project Developer (Apr 2013 - Apr 2019)
  • MobilPRO Coordinator (Oct 2012 - Mar 2016)
  • Member of the Jury (Mar 2014 - Mar 2019)

About MobilPRO

MobilPRO – Innovation and Mobility project is based on an annual contest of ideas and mobile applications, which, beginning in 2016, became an annual contest for ideas and software applications.

MobilPRO represents an initiative started in 2013 by members of the Electronics Students League (LSE) and professors from the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology (ETTI), UPB, and the first edition of it took place in March 2014.

The project has three components:

  • Training and activities centre: Laboratory and freely chosen discipline in the ETTI Faculty, UPB
  • Software developers community: Online platform - forum
  • Ideas and software applications contest: Annual contest organized in March, in UPB

Any edition of the contest will have specific requirements, adapted to every years' edition identified tendencies. 

LSE, along with ETTI, are trying through MobilPRO to support and cultivate the development of the high quality software in Romania, and also to form a connection between the academic medium and the private one.

The project follows two directions:

  • organizing the contest for ideas and software applications
  • creating a connection between the academic medium and the private medium; we intend and we wish to combine the directions of the higher education's development with the market needs - thus, projects that can be developed within the program from the faculty, can be used by the students to promote themselves among the most important employers or investors from the IT field.

MobilPRO's principle is to encourage the development of original applications. In order to attract and promote the best participants in the contest, we also accept the projects which were already presented in other competitions, and we strongly encourage future participation.

To express our recognition and recommendation, every contestant receives a certificate of participation from the ETTI Faculty and from UPB

LSE's objectives are:

  • contributing to the professional, personal and entrepreneurial development of ETTI students
  • promoting a model for a professional community, dynamic and quality-oriented, around three international projects: CareerTeam, MobilPRO and Robochallenge.

The organizers of the MobilPRO - Innovation and Mobility competition are:

  • University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest (UPB),
  • Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology (ETTI)
  • Electronic Students League (LSE) from ETTI Faculty.

My teaching activity

Teaching others is one of the passions of my life. During my professional life I experienced all types of teaching I could:


Story of MP

Back in In 2013. I started one of the most interesting and elevating projects I worked on in my studency – MobilPRO.

A super collaboration between teaching staff, students and IT companies.

In the beginning, the team consisted of:

  • professor Sever Pasca (otherwise the initiator and the director of the whole project)
  • professor Eduard-Cristian Popovici, the representative of SAIM Lab – Services and Apps for Mobile Internet
  • professor Pupezescu Valentin
  • Diana Șandru, the representative of the League of Students of Electronics
  • Loredana Gheorghe, joining a little later, the coordinator of the volunteers for the first edition
  • myself, the representative for the LSE IT Department and the executive coordinator of this project

The team eventually extended a lot, counting 20 permanent members and over 500 volunteers in total in the 7 years of activity (as of March 2019).

We initially set out to organize a “contest of mobile applications for touchscreen phones” – the touchscreen was trending at the time.

The complete “official” name of the project is “𝐌𝐨𝐛𝐢𝐥𝐏𝐑𝐎 – innovation and mobility”, and in the first 2 years it was advertised under the headline “mobile apps and ideas contest”, eventually changed to “software apps and ideas contest”.

Of course, as an innovation contest, one of our main purposes as organizers has always been to constantly innovate the concept (so as not to be just a simple contest giving out diplomas), but also the processes through which everything unfolds (so we would be busy all year, not just during the contest)

In time, the concept evolved in 3 directions, becoming very complex (taking into consideration that it is a student project after all):

  • TRAINING CENTER, hosted by SAIM Lab – Services and Apps for Mobile Internet, where Mr. Eduard-Cristian Popovici even succeeded in creating an optional course for the ETTI faculty, in which students can enrol to learn software and implicitly, get ready for the contest. What’s more, we constantly organize sessions of presentation skills within the training center with the participation of external consultants, and in the past this used to be done through another LSE project, a “generator” of conferences, workshops and all kinds of events with the purpose of supporting students in their first career steps – CareerTeam.
  • COMMUNITY. The group MP – MobilPRO Community counts over 150 members, most of them former participant students, who are senior developers, architects, project managers or entrepreneurs today.
  • CONTEST, meaning the initial idea. The contest has always been addressed to highschool students, students and master students; all of them at the same table, to compete equal to equal – because teams can be mixed and what is more, an additional participant outside the criteria can be added, acting as advisor. The six editions that have taken place so far have counted over 120 teams/250 contestants from 5 countries (Romania, Republic of Moldova, UK, Turkey and Bangladesh).

One thing the entire team is very proud of is that MP was the first mobile app contest in Romania. It was during a time when mobile apps were still in their prime; when touchscreen phones had barely become the norm. (Of course, it’s not exactly an official information, but we had published this for at least 7 years in our advertising campaigns and no one contested it :D)

Organizing slowly evolved; year to year we tried to come up with new things and to reinvent ourselves so that the contest would not only be up to date, but one step ahead of the times.

First of all, the contest sections. We started off with the vague “mobile apps” only to slowly introduce targeted sections, either technically or according to the class of users:

  • Internet of things
  • Intelligent automobiles
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Future of education
  • Future of health
  • Future of thinking

There are also a lot of very complex organizational elements, and I only mention a few, that emphasize quite well the attention we all give to details:

  • Registration & participation form. From the first day of organizing we established an online mechanism that automizes our interaction with the participants. The form can be completed incrementally and updated by the participants and included information about team members, details about the application, documentation, the participants’ agreement for publishing details about the app, the source code for the app, branding elements of the team, Bucharest accommodation request, personal details for diplomas and appendix. Basically, the whole flow was automated with a former heavy workload, the value of which I would only understand a few years later and which I can still compare to other corporate projects. And all of this happened in an era when even Google Drive was in its cradle; in an era when Excel couldn’t yet be used collaboratively.
  • Automated jury software system and custom-made “inhouse”. Well, first of all, I personally consider the jury system quite bulletproof – because the jury is formed of 3 parts: professors (30%), students (30%) and sponsors (40%). Each jury member assigns marks from 1 to 20, one for each of the 5 criteria (innovation, design, quality, optimization, presentation) in which they were specialists. For each app there would result an average per jury category, all these averages forming the final weighted average of the app. The final rankings show the top final averages per contest section. What is more, this jury system is also implemented as a web app with many other functionalities. One of the most recent versions of this app was the practical part of the diploma belonging to one of the most valuable and longest running MP members, Andrei Terecoasă, under the supervision of prof Eduard-Cristian Popovici. It is important to note that even though we weren’t working on this project full-time, we tried to make the most out of the assigned time, for the university but also for our own personal development. And we merged the extracurricular project with our academic activity as much as possible.
  • Cloud storing live stream for a year. It may seem common now when everyone goes live on Facebook and Instagram, but in the beginning we had to find solutions without using modern social media platforms. The things we were doing at the time were actually more closely related to what TV networks are doing, because we processing the transmission in real time and that’s thanks to those at Online Video Network. In 2019 there were still many major demo days of some large hackathons that weren’t live streaming, and even if they did, they wouldn’t store them for so long 😀 2020 changed the rules a little bit though.
  • Accomodation. We wanted to do everything we could to attract participants from other schools and we especially thought of the underage highschool students, for whom it would be a bit more complicated to travel to Bucharest for the contest. So we managed to get the consent of the Politehnica University to accommodate the participants and their supervisors in the Regie dorms. As a bonus, all those coming from outside the capital would be waited for when entering Bucharest/train station/bus station by someone on the team who would lead them directly to the dorms, as we had many efficient and available volunteers.
  • Diplomas.Certificates. Appendix. Well, another thing we are proud of are these “papers” that would stand as proof of what the participants achieved in the contest. Every year we would carefully work on the diplomas so that nothing we offered would be written in pen; everything had to be on point before printing: name of the participants, teams, school, section they participated in etc. The appendix contained parts of documentation, the description of the project, technologies used, platforms on which they were implemented and the achieved results. Details that are very hard to get right and which wouldn’t have been possible without an automated flow for collecting all this data. And the hardest part – signatures and stamps. Participation certificates, appendices and diplomas for the winners, they all had to pass through the hands of 6 people that would sign them: the MP director, the dean of the ETTI faculty, the rector of UPB, the LSE president, the Training Center coordinator and the executive director of the project. Anually, over 400 x 6 = 2400 signatures for which we had to synchronize 1-2 day before the contest all 6 people… in a precise order 😀 I’m taking advantage of the fact that the text is pretty long and no one will read so far to mention that many of the diplomas were printed and signed only to have tolerance for all the possible scenarios, because I personally insisted that all diplomas look impeccable and not be manually filled 😀 And yes, the Certificates of participation, Appendices and Winner Diplomas were officially handed out by the University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest.
  • Mixed jury. The jury chapter is of course very complex. Because of the very different components, we gathered together at the same table representatives of corporations with professors, first year students and entrepreneurs. Each with their own set of skills, expectations, vision and feedback for the student presentations. And it was very challenging to synchronize all of them, to have them assign time to be present, to assign time to study the project documentation beforehand or to limit themselves at assigning points for the areas they are specialized in only.
  • Internationalization. Although we didn’t have many participants from other countries, during 2015-2016 we tried very much to set the scene for that. Website, presentation portfolio, poster, e-mails, rules – all translated in 5 languages (English, French, Italian, Spanish and German). We only started getting international participants by the end, but that wasn’t necessarily the purpose; during all this time we were very interested in our personal development as individuals, professionals and team-wise. And because we found in ETTI speakers of all 5 languages, we couldn’t just keep everything in Romanian without taking advantage of the translating potential we had – and so a small team under the umbrella of the organizing team emerged, “MP Translators”.
  • Graphics & Video. There was always a lot of work regarding this area. Besides diplomas, certificates, appendices, posters and social networks materials, we paid special attention to the badges. We spent a lot of time annually to design the new badge: they were different depending on the type of participant during the contest day (sponsor, jury, contestant, coordinator, supporter, visitor etc.), always branded for partners and always including a complete guide with details about contest days: map, schedule and even different mottos, personalized for each category of participant. And just like the diploma case, the badges were generated before the event and printed directly with the name of the participants based on their registration on the website.

In addition to the live streaming videos, from the very first day MP had very complex video ads and compilations of the presentations almost in real-time. If in 2014 we used a few videos per year, by the last editions we almost had real-time stories that had already been assembled portraying parts of contestants’ presentations. That involves a lot of hardware resources and a lot of skill. Even though we also had a generously sized team that handled this for years, the main “technological and graphical revolutions” had been brought to us by 3 very important members of the permanent team, without whom MP would have never looked the same: Marian Stîngă, Cristian Preda and Emanoil Leonard Soare. I will not even mention the impeccable and professional photos we’d had for years on end, but unfortunately, Facebook doesn’t let me add enough tags (original Facebook post here); fortunately, each photo and photo album on the Facebook page includes credits to the photographers.

During all this time, LSE had another project going, assigned to a very big and organized team, called CareerTeam; a project specialized in organizing career events, among others.

And a part of these events had been organized with and for MobilPRO. Mentioning a few:

Another project that is included in MP’s portfolio, as co-organizer, was HackSociety – a first try at creating a Hackathon in ETTI, at Eduard Mititelu’s initiative.

I also worked for a long time with the Robochallenge team, the other large ETTI contest, especially as many companies with the potential of becoming partners would rather fit in the hardware/robotics area. Together with Claudia Nedelcu, the Robochallenge’s executive coordinator at the time, we negotiated with a lot of partners.

Last but not least, the MP team participated 2 years in a row in organizing Droidcon Eastern Europe, the international conference for Android developers, along Ms. Carmen Ciulacu in 2014 and Alexandru Tintea in 2015. We were busy with organizing our events, of course, but we liked taking part in organizing other events; this is how we learn new things. Besides, we always had a large number of available volunteers who could offer their time ad skills. In the 2015 edition especially, we contributed with the flux of registration/check-in, graphics and photography. And on both editions we held our own presentations through our colleagues Diana Șandru (2014) and Paula Avasiloaie (2015).


The “cherries on top” regarding the “externalization” of our organizing force were 2 events outside of Bucharest. Google Developers Group Cluj 2015 and The Hack bootcamp Mamaia 2016. Both events were attended by representatives of the MP organization team. This time there was some kind of barter; for the offered support, Ms Carmen Ciulacu exchanged vouchers for the Informal IT School – Bucharest courses for the members of the Electronics Student League (LSE), courses which were followed for free by 8 colleagues before their first job.

We slowly came to collaborate with a lot of important names in the IT industry, who supported and sponsored us. Among these we can name:

MP wasn’t just a contest in which students tested their knowledge and received prizes; not only volunteering and personal and technical development for the organizers, but a demonstration that the three sides (students, professors, companies) can work together so well. And the truth is that this is quite rare; somewhat paradoxical, taking into consideration that they share the same goal.

I know this is a long post, the longest I’ve written on Facebook so far. But if you read the article in its entirety, please PM me.

Along the way, many hackathons and demo days have emerged, seen from the outside they can look a lot like MP. This is one of the reasons why I wrote this post, to emphasize the differences and to present the less visible things that happened.

For me personally, MobilPRO was a project to which I dedicated a lot of resources. And for as much as I invested, I contributed to my own development just as much, covering a lot of areas:

  • leadership and communication, because for 3 years I directly coordinated the activity of hundreds of volunteers; I always tried to find new methods of motivating them, to create a workflow as optimized as possible, to recruit the most suitable team members
  • negotiation & persuasion, because I had always been in the middle and I tried to align the annual contest themes so that they satisfy all the sponsors of different profiles, as well as the university. A relevant part of this work we summarized annually in document called “MP portfolio”. One of the examples is found here
  • technical, because I was involved in designing and implementing websites and systems used for judging and mailing

More than this, MobilPRO was also a successful try at connecting the worlds of which I was part of professionally at the time:

(see a detailed diagram here)

In the summer of 2016 I handed the responsibility over to Ana Moga and Roman Sebastian (an important role in the process had also Ruxandra Niculae – who was among the most prominent team members at that time), who later did the same and were followed by Alexandra Georgiana Serban and Alexandru Corlan. Until the 2018 edition, I acted as advisor to the new team and starting with 2019 I had began to participate only as a partner and member of the jury. The new teams did great and led the project to the next year each year and for this, I am really proud of them and I truly appreciate their offer and I consider each member of the team is a great professional.

There are a lot of people whom I worked with throughout all of these years and from whom I learnt a lot of things. People who handled graphics, logistics, photography, check-in, PR, communication, media campaigns, translations, sound, live streaming, room organizing, catering, cleaning, technical support, hosts and many other things… depending on availability, each and every one of them took their time to set out all those complex details I mentioned before. And for that, I thank each and every one of them – in my own name, in the name of the permanent MP team and in the name of the participants.

The 2020 edition that should have taken place at the end of March was postponed for safety reasons regarding the pandemic, and our colleague Miruna Andreea Dan is the one who will continue to write the story. 😀

The entirety of the story above has been captured and posted on Facebook and you can see it here.

The project has been discontinued for an undetermined period, since March 2020 due to COVID restrictions.

Story of MP [RO]

In urma cu 7 ani, a inceput unul din cele mai interesante si elevatoare proiecte la care am lucrat in perioada studentiei – MobilPRO.
O super colaborare intre cadre didactice, studenti si companiile din domeniul IT.
La inceput, din echipa faceau parte:
  •  domnul profesor Sever Pasca (initiatorul si directorul intregului proiect de altfel)
  • domnul profesor Eduard-Cristian Popovici, reprezentant al SAIM Lab – Services and Apps for Mobile Internet
  • domnul profesor Pupezescu Valentin
  • Diana Șandru, reprezentanta Liga Studenților Electroniști
  • Loredana Gheorghe, sosita putin mai tarziu, coordonatorul voluntarilor la prima editie
  • eu, reprezentant al Departamentului IT LSE si coordonatorul executiv al acestui proiect
Ulterior echipa s-a extins foarte mult, ajungand la 20 membri permanenti si cumulat, peste 500 de voluntari, in cei 7 ani de desfasurare.
Initial ne-am propus sa organizam un “𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐬 𝐝𝐞 𝐚𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐢 𝐦𝐨𝐛𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐮 𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐟𝐨𝐚𝐧𝐞 𝐜𝐮 𝐭𝐨𝐮𝐜𝐡𝐬𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐧” – touchscreen-ul era in trend la vremea respectiva.
Numele “oficial” complet al proiectului este “𝐌𝐨𝐛𝐢𝐥𝐏𝐑𝐎 – 𝐢𝐧𝐨𝐯𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐬𝐢 𝐦𝐨𝐛𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐞”, iar in primii 2 ani a fost promovat cu subtitlul de “concurs de idei si aplicatii mobile”, dupa care acesta a fost modificat in “concurs de idei si aplicatii software”.
Bineinteles, fiind un concurs de inovatie, unul din scopurile noastre principale ca organizatori, a fost mereu sa inovam constant insusi conceptul (pentru a nu ramane doar un simplu concurs cu diplome), dar si procesele prin care se desfasoara totul (pentru a nu fi ocupati doar in zilele de concurs, ci tot anul).
In timp, conceptul a evoluat pe 3 directii si a devenind foarte complex (tinand cont ca, la urma urmei, este un proiect studentesc):
1. 𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐑𝐔 𝐃𝐄 𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆, gazduit de SAIM Lab – Services and Apps for Mobile Internet, unde domnul Eduard-Cristian Popovici a reusit chiar sa creeze o disciplina optionala la faculatata ETTI, la care studentii se pot inscrie pentru a invata software si implicit sa se pregateasca pentru concurs. In plus, in cadrul centrului de training, organizam constant sesiuni de presentation skills cu participarea consultantilor externi, iar in trecut acest lucru il faceam prin intermediul unui alt proiect LSE, “generator” de conferinte, workshop-uri si tot felul de evenimente care aveau ca scop sprijinirea studentilor pentru debutul in cariera – CareerTeam.
2. 𝗖𝗢𝗠𝗨𝗡𝗜𝗧𝗔𝗧𝗘. Grupul MP – MobilPRO Community are peste 150 de membri, majoritatea fosti studenti participanti, care astazi sunt developeri seniori, arhitecti, project manageri sau antreprenori.
3. 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐒, adica ideea initiala. Concursul s-a adresat mereu elevilor de liceu, studentilor si masteranzilor; toti asezati la aceeasi masa, sa se intreaca de la egal la egal – pentru ca echipele pot fi alcatuite mixt si in plus, permit si un participant din afara acestui interval, cu rol de indrumator. La cele 6 editii care au avut loc pana in prezent, au participat peste 120 de echipe/250 de concurenti, din 5 tari (Romania, Republica Moldova, Regatul Unit, Turcia si Bangladesh).
Un lucru de care intreaga echipa ne mandrim foarte mult, este fost faptul ca MP a fost primul concurs de aplicatii mobile din Romania. Era pe vremea cand aplicatiile mobile inca erau la inceput; cand inca telefoanele cu touchscreen abia devenisera majoritare. (Desigur, este o informatie nu tocmai oficiala, insa cel putin timp de 7 ani am tot publicat asta in campaniile de promovare ale concursului si nu a spus nimeni contrariul 😃).
Organizarea a evoluat treptat; ne-am straduit de la an la an sa venim cu lucruri noi si sa ne reinventam astfel incat sa mentinem concursul, nu doar de actualitate, ci cu un pas inaintea vremurilor.
In primul rand, sectiunile de concurs. Am plecat de la vag-ul “aplicatii mobile”, pentru ca treptat sa introducem sectiuni targetate fie dpdv tehnic, fie dpdv al clasei de useri:
  • – Internet of things
  • – Automobile inteligente
  • – Inteligenta artificiala
  • – Future of education
  • – Future of health
  • – Future of thinking
De asemenea, multe elemente organizatorice, foarte complexe si aici mentionez doar cateva, care pun in evidenta destul de bine atentia pe care o acordam cu totii detaliilor:
  • 𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐮𝐥𝐚𝐫 𝐝𝐞 𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐫𝐞 & 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐞. Din ziua 1 de organizare am avut pus la punct un mecanism online care automatizeaza interactiunea noastra cu participantii. Formularul poate fi completat incremental si updatat de catre participanti si includea componenta echipei, detalii despre aplicatie, documentatia, acordul participantilor pentru publicarea detaliilor despre aplicatie, codul sursa al aplicatiei, elementele de branding ale echipelor, cerere de cazare in Bucuresti, date personale pentru diplome & anexe. Practic, tot flow-ul a fost complet automatizat, cu o munca titanica anterioara a carei valoare reala am inteles-o si eu cativa ani mai tarziu si pe care inca o pot compara cu proiecte corporate. Iar toate acestea se intamplau intr-o era in care pana si Google Drive era la inceput; intr-o era in care excelul nu putea fi folosit colaborativ.
  • 𝐒𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐦 𝐬𝐨𝐟𝐭𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐝𝐞 𝐣𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐳𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐳𝐚𝐭 𝐬𝐢 𝐜𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐦-𝐦𝐚𝐝𝐞 “𝐢𝐧𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞”. Well, in primul rand, personal consider sistemul de jurizare destul de bulletproof – pentru ca juriul este alcatuit din 3 parti: Profesori (30%), Studenti (30%) si Sponsori (40%). Fiecare membru al juriului aloca note de la 1 la 20, cate una pentru pentru fiecare din cele 5 criterii (inovare, design, calitate, optimizare, prezentare) la care erau specialisti. Pentru fiecare aplicatie se calcula o medie ponderata per membru juriu, care intra in media aritmetica per categorie de juriu, iar la final toate aceste medii aritmetice intra in media ponderata finala a aplicatiei. Iar clasamentul final este obtinut ca topul mediilor finale, per sectiune de concurs. Mai mult decat atat, acest sistem de jurizare este implementat si sub forma de aplicatie web cu multe alte functionalitati. Una din versiunile recente ale acestuia a fost chiar implementarea proiectului de licenta al unuia dintre membrii foarte valorosi si longevivi pe care i-a avut echipa MP, Andrei Terecoasă, sub coordonarea domnului profesor Eduard-Cristian Popovici. Important de observat aici este faptul ca desi nu lucram full time pentru acest proiect, timpul pe care il alocam, incercam sa il facem util; si pentru facultate si pentru dezvoltarea noastra. Si am unit proiectul extracurricular pe cat s-a putut cu activitatea academica.
  • 𝐋𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐜𝐮 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐜𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐝; pe 1 an. Acum poate parea comun, cand toata lumea este live pe Facebook si Instagram, insa la inceput a trebuit sa gasim solutii fara sa folosim platformele sociale moderne. Ce faceam atunci era mai apropiat de ceea ce fac televiziunile de fapt, pentru ca prelucram in timp real transmisiunea si asta multumita celor de la Online Video Network. In 2019 inca existau multe demo day-uri majore ale unor hackhatoane mari care nu faceau live streaming si daca faceau, nu le si stocau atat timp 😃 2020 a schimbat putin regulile insa.
  • 𝐂𝐚𝐳𝐚𝐫𝐞. Am vrut sa facem tot posibilul sa atragem si participanti din alte scoli si ne-am gandit mai ales la elevii de liceu minori, pentru care era mai complicat sa vina in Bucuresti pentru concurs. Astfel, am reusit sa obtinem acordul Politehnicii pentru cazarea participantilor & insotitorilor in caminele din Regie. Bonus, toti cei veniti din provincie, erau asteptati la intrare in Bucuresti/gara/autogara de cineva din echipa, care ii conducea direct la camin, pentru ca aveam o multime de voluntari eficienti si disponibili.
  • 𝐃𝐢𝐩𝐥𝐨𝐦𝐞. 𝐂𝐞𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐞. 𝐀𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐞. Ei bine, un alt lucru de care suntem mandri sunt aceste “hartii” care sa ateste participantilor ceea ce au facut la concurs. In fiecare an lucram cu mare grija la diplome, pentru ca nimic din ce ofeream sa nu fie scris cu pixul; totul trebuia bine pus la punct inainte de print: numele participantilor, echipele, scoala de provenienta, sectiunea la care au participat etc. Anexele contineau parti din documentatie, descrierea proiectului, tehnologiile folosite, platformele pe care au fost implementate si rezultatele obtinute. Detalii foarte greu de pus la punct, care nu ar fi fost posibile fara un flow automatizat de colectare a tuturor acestor date. Si partea cea mai grea – semnaturile si stampilele. Certificatele de participare, anexele si diplomele pentru castigatori, trebuiau sa treaca pe la 6 persoane care sa le semneze: directorul MP, decanul facultatii ETTI, rectorul UPB, presedintele LSE, coordonatorul Centrului de Training si coordonatorul executiv al proiectului. Anual, peste 400 x 6 = 2400 semnaturi, pentru care trebuia sa sincronizam cu 1-2 zile inainte de concurs cele 6 persoane..si doar intr-o anumite ordine 😃 Profit acum de faptul ca textul este destul de lung si nu o sa citeasca nimeni pana aici si mentionez si faptul ca multe din diplome erau facute si semnate doar pentru a avea toleranta pentru toate scenariile posibile, pentru ca personal am tinut foarte mult ca diplomele sa arate impecabil si sa nu fie completate manual 😃 Si da, Certificatele de participare, Anexele si Diplomele pentru castigatori au fost oferite in mod oficial de Universitatea POLITEHNICA din București.
  • 𝐉𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐮 𝐦𝐢𝐱𝐭. Capitolul juriu, este desigur foarte complex. Pentru ca avea componente atat de diferite; am asezat la aceeasi masa reprezentanti ai unor corporatii, cu profesori, cu studenti de anul 1, cu antreprenori. Fiecare cu setul sau de skill-uri, cu propriile asteptari, cu propriile viziuni si feedback-uri pentru prezentarile sustinute de studenti. Si a fost foarte challenging sa ii aliniem pe toti, sa aloce timp pentru a fi prezenti, sa aloce timp pentru a studia dinainte documentatiile proiectelor, sau sa se limiteze la a acorda punctaje doar pentru criteriile la care se pricep cel mai bine.
  • 𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐳𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐚. Desi nu am avut foarte multi participanti din alte tari, in intervalul 2015-2016 am pregatit foarte mult terenul pentru asta. Site, mapa de prezentare, afis, emailuri, regulament – toate traduse in 5 limbi (Engleza, Franceza, Italiana, Spaniola si Germana). Participanti internationali am inceput sa avem la finalul perioadei, insa nu asta a fost neaparat scopul; in tot acest timp ne-a interesat foarte mult dezvoltarea noastra ca indivizi, profesionisti si echipa. Si pentru ca am gasit la ETTI cunoscatori ale cele 5 limbi, am zis ca nu putem sa pastram totul doar in romana fara sa valorificam potentialul de translatori pe care il aveam – astfel a aparut o mica echipa sub echipa de organizare, “MP Translators”.
  • 𝐆𝐫𝐚𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐚 & 𝐕𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐨. In aceasta privinta am avut foarte mult de munca mereu. In afara de diplome, certificate, anexe, afise si materiale pentru social networks, o mare atentie o acordam badge-urilor. Anual petreceam mult timp pentru a proiecta noul model de badge: erau diferite in functie de tipul de participant din ziua concursului (sponsor, juriu, concurent, coordonator, sustinator, vizitator etc.), mereu brand-uite pentru parteneri si includeau mereu si un ghid complet cu detalii despre zilele de concurs: harta, program, dar chiar si motto-uri diferite, personalizate pentru fiecare categorie de participant. Si la fel ca in cazul diplomelor, badge-urile erau generate inainte de eveniment si printate direct cu numele participantilor, pe baza inscrierilor lor de pe site.
Cu exceptia videourilor din livestreaming, MP a avut din prima zi spoturi de promovare video foarte complexe si montaje aproape in timp real cu prezentarile. Daca in 2014 foloseam cateva clipuri pe an, la ultimele editii ajunsesem sa avem aproape in timp real story-uri gata montate cu sectiuni din prezentarile concurentilor. Asta implica foarte multe resurse hardware si multa indemanare. Desi a fost si aici o subechipa mare care s-a ocupat de acest lucru ani la rand, marile “revolutii tehnologice si de imagine” au fost aduse de 3 membri foarte importanti ai echipei permanente, fara de care MP nu ar fi aratat la fel: Marian Stîngă, Cristian Preda si Emanoil Leonard Soare. Nu mai mentionez fotografiile impecabile si profesionale pe care le-am avut ani la rand, insa din pacate facebook nu ma lasa sa adaug suficiente tag-uri; din fericire fiecare poza si album foto de pe pagina de facebook contine credits pentru fotografi.
In tot acest timp, in LSE exista inca un proiect cu echipa foarte mare si bine organizata, numit CareerTeam; proiect specializat pe organizarea evenimentelor de cariera, printre altele.
Iar o parte din aceste evenimente au fost organizate cu si pentru MobilPRO. Mentionez cateva:
Un alt proiect care intra in portofoliul MP, ca co-organizator, a fost HackSociety – o prima incercare de a crea un Hackhaton in ETTI, la initiativa lui Eduard Mititelu.
De asemenea, am lucrat mult timp aproape de echipa ROBOCHALLENGE, celalalt mare concurs al ETTI, in special pentru ca multe companii cu potential de a ne deveni parteneri, se potriveau mai degraba pe zona de hardware/robotica. Impreuna cu Claudia Nedelcu, coordonatoarea executiva Robo pe vremea respectiva, am negociat cu foarte multi parteneri.
Nu in ultimul rand, echipa MP a participat 2 ani consecutivi la organizarea Droidcon Eastern Europe, conferinta internationala pentru developerii de Android, alaturi de doamna Carmen Ciulacu in 2014 si Alexandru Tintea in 2015. Eram ocupati cu organizarea evenimentelor noastre, bineinteles, dar ne-a placut sa fim parte si din organizarea altor evenimente; asa invatam lucruri noi. Plus ca aveam mereu un numar mare de voluntari disponibili care puteau sa isi ofere din timp si pricepere. In special, la editia 2015 am contribuit cu fluxul de inscriere/checkin, grafica si fotografii. Iar la ambele editii am sustinut propria noastra prezentare a proiectului, prin intermediul colegelor noastre Diana Șandru (2014) si Paula Avasiloaie (2015).
“Ciresele” de pe tort in privinta “externalizarii” fortei de organizare, au fost 2 evenimente in afara Bucurestiului. Google Developers Group Cluj 2015 si The Hack bootcamp Mamaia 2016. La ambele evenimente au participat reprezentanti ai echipei MP in organizare. De data aceasta a fost un fel de barter; pentru suportul acordat la schimb, doamna Carmen Ciulacu ne-a acordat vouchere pentru cursurile Scoala informala de IT – Bucuresti pentru membrii organizatiei Liga Studenților Electroniști, cursuri la care au participat gratuit 8 colegi inainte de prima lor angajare.
Treptat am ajuns sa colaboram cu foarte multe nume importante din industria IT, care ne-au sustinut sau sponsorizat. Printre acestea se numara:
– Microsoft Romania
Orange Romania, partener principal 2015-2019 prin intermediul programul Orange Educational Program
IBM Romania, care a fost alaturi de noi la toate editiile
Cisco Romania, care ne-au sustinut de fiecare data cu echipamente de retelistica, prin intermediul colegei mele de facultate, Ioana Manea
– Power Digital Solutions
MP a insemnat nu doar concurs la care studentii isi testau cunostintele si primeau premii; nu doar voluntariat si dezvoltare tehnica si personala pentru organizatori, ci si o demonstratie ca cele trei tabere (𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢, 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐟𝐞𝐬𝐨𝐫𝐢, 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐢) pot lucra impreuna atat de bine. Iar adevarul este ca acest lucru se intalneste destul de rar; cumva paradoxal, luand in considerare faptul ca au acelasi scop.
Stiu ca este o postare lunga, cea mai lunga pe care am scris-o pana acum pe facebook. Dar daca citesti articolul in intregime, te rog sa imi scrii asta in privat.
De-a lungul timpului au aparut multe hackhatoane si demo-days care, vazute din exterior, pot parea similare cu MP. Acesta este si unul din motivele pentru care am scris aceasta poastare, pentru a scoate in evidenta si diferentele si a prezenta lucrurile care s-au intamplat fara sa fie foarte vizibile.
Pentru mine personal, MobilPRO a fost un proiect pentru care am dedicat foarte multe resurse. Si pe cat de mult am investit, pe atat de mult a contribuit la dezvoltarea mea, pe o multime de segmente:
  • 𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 si 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐞, pentru ca am coordonat timp de 3 ani in mod direct activitatea a sute de voluntari; m-am straduit mereu sa gasesc noi metode de a ii motiva, de a crea flow-uri de lucru cat mai optimizate, de a recruta cei mai potriviti membri ai echipei
  • 𝐧𝐞𝐠𝐨𝐜𝐢𝐞𝐫𝐞 & 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐮𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐮𝐧𝐞, pentru ca mereu am fost la mijloc si m-am straduit sa aliniez temele anuale de concurs astfel incat sa multumeasca si toti sponsorii care aveau profiluri diferite, dar si facultatea. O parte relevante din aceasta munca o sintetizam anual intr-un document numit “mapa MP”. Unul din exemple este aici: https://luciangruia.ro/f/MobilPRO_2016_en.pdf
  • 𝐭𝐞𝐡𝐧𝐢𝐜, pentru ca am fost implicat in proiectarea si implementarea site-urilor si a sistemelor de jurizare si mailing
Mai mult decat atat, MobilPRO a reprezentat si o incercare reusita de a conecta 𝐥𝐮𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐞 din care faceam parte dpdv profesional in perioada respectiva:
  • 𝐅𝐚𝐜𝐮𝐥𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐚 𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐈, unde eram student masterand/doctorand,
  • 𝐎𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞, unde lucram ca inginer software,
  • 𝐓𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐂𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠, compania pe care am cofondat-o in cadrul unui program POSDRU,
  • 𝐋𝐒𝐄, organizatia in board-ul careia am fost membru 8 ani,
  • 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐫𝐓𝐞𝐚𝐦, celalalt proiect major pe care il coordonam in cadrul LSE
  • 𝐒𝐀𝐈𝐌, laboratorul unde mi-am pregatit licenta si disertatia
In vara 2016 am predat stafeta catre Ana Moga si Roman Sebastian, care mai departe au predat-o catre Alexandra Georgiana Serban si Alexandru Corlan. Pana la editia 2018 am ramas advisor al noii echipe, iar incepand cu 2019 am ajuns sa particip doar ca partener si membru al juriului.
Sunt foarte multe persoane alaturi de care am lucrat in toti acesti ani si de la care am invatat multe lucruri. Oameni care s-au ocupat cu grafica, logistica, fotografii, checkin, PR, comunicare, campanii media, traduceri, sonorizare, livestreaming, amenajare sali, catering, curatenie, suport tehnic, hosts si multe alte lucruri..in functie de disponibilitate, cu totii si-au rupt din timpul liber pentru a pune la punct toate acele detalii complexe mentionate anterior. Si pentru asta, le multumesc tuturor – in numele meu, in numele echipei permanente MP si in numele participantilor.
Editia 2020, care trebuia sa aiba loc la finalul lunii martie a fost amanata din motive ce tin de starea de urgenta, iar colega noastra Miruna Andreea Dan este cea care va duce povestea mai departe. 😄
PS. Toate cele povestite mai sus au fost imortalizate si postate pe facebook si le poti vedea aici: