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Wedding website Fam. Obrocea (2023)


  • Project type Presentation website, Registration form
  • Period July 2022 - June 2023
  • Technology WordPress + Custom CSS & PHP
  • My Role Developer, Designer
  • URL Click here


Bianca Deaconu is one of my dearest and trustee friends ever since we were colleagues (ETTI faculty). There are tons of memories we created or shared together and there are countless projects and events we were working on together on LSE's board (such as MobilPRO, APV, BB-ETTI), personal projects (such as Boutique, Discover Tulcea, DDD) and even more in our personal lives. She is also one of the nicest people that one can meet and I always appreciated her kindness. 

Now, she met this nice guy and they will become a family in 2023 - The Obrocea Family. 🎉🎈🥳

How else could I have contributed better to supporting these young people in the first steps of their life together? Of course, by creating a web platform with some nice forms 😆.

So here it is - I worked with love and passion to craft this beautiful website

Wishing them lots of love and happiness! 💖
