ETTI Cutting Edge Tech (2021-)
- Start date March 2021
- My Role Founder, Community Manager
- Members ~1000
ETTI Cutting Edge Tech is a community dedicated exclusively to technology and professional subjects such as:
- Tech news
- Discussions on scientific topics
- Professional events
- Promoting publications, projects, startups etc.
- Promoting job opportunities
- Mentoring
- Geek humour
As most faculties in the country, the Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology's faculty has its own support Facebook group where students or alumni discuss various problems (on administrative or professional topics typically).
In our case, that place is Comunitatea ETTI.
The problem is for too many years now, most topics are oriented solely on administrative issues or alarmingly unprofessional & inappropriate discussions between students and teachers. The high level of spam on that group led to its transformation into an unnecessary source of info.
So I decided to create a fresh new group which in the meantime became "the second official group" of the ETTI faculty, dedicated only to the topics mentioned above. The group is now capable of growing organically under my indirect supervision and with the support of some teachers and student representatives as moderators.
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