Echo Radio (2009-2010)
- Period 2009-2010
- Project type Personal project, university research
- Skills developed Networking protocols, PHP programming
- It was in that period for me when I was still tried to learned how to use a lot of tools and program them
- Learned a lot about radio communication
- Hosted on my own PC
- The edge between technician and programmer
- First, on request online music on radio I ever know
- Peak listeners: 32
- Music was not like this
- Stone age podcasts on my website and AOL channel
- my first interaction with networking
- SAM boardcaster, shoutcast
- first user-oriented platform
- before CCNA
- I have presented on Session of scientific communications in our univeristy
Working on it
I am still working on the description and the story of this project. Stay tuned!
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